This was a question my yoga teacher, Trish, started our class with this evening. At first I thought it was one of those rhetorical questions. One where you ‘set’ your intention at the beginning of a class but then soon forget while you’re struggling with your downward dog and your hamstrings are saying “Howzit I might snap”.
But Trish kept bringing it up again.
“What makes you special?”
The negative little voice in the back of my mind kept trying to sway my balance with its response to this question. My initial response to it was “Nothing, nothing makes me that special to set me apart from any other human being”, especially while sweating profusely in the 45 degree Celsius hot room we were practicing in.
The more Trish brought up the question, “What makes you special?”, the more I started opening myself up to it. While accepting the pain in certain positions and trying to get my mind out of work mode, I really started opening up to the fact that I am special. And why shouldn’t I be? Why shouldn’t each and every one of us find that part of us that sets us apart and makes us ‘special’ in our own way?
Looking around the room I realised something that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I am not alone in this world, in the negative thoughts and feelings we feed ourselves and of trying to find time to live out my dreams between spending a large chunk of my time in a career I’m not particularly fond of. In that realisation I felt connected. I felt connected to all humans lost, to humans trying to figure this life out and connected to my world.
This week I made the decision to see something amazing within and let life happen.
So I leave you with the most fundamentally changing thing I have ever listened to and actually heard.
This is what makes me special. What about you?
Have you started living your life yet?
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