Saturday, 24 March 2012

CN Tower Toronto

I must be honest - life has become a little quieter since the gals left Toronto and ended their JIT contracts. But with 5 weeks left in Canada I feel like I'm running out of time to get all the things I still want to do, done.

So here is the long awaited CN Tower. I went up on farewell day while the girls were packing and because I woke up to the most incredible weather I figure this day was as good as it will get. Canada has after all recorded the warmest March in its whole history.  

And it really is the top of Toronto. 431 metres above the lake level - this tower is an amazing view point out onto the whole of the lake and I really enjoyed seeing the lake from high up above the clouds ;)

Squiggles as you walk it to get into the lift that takes you over 100 floors above the ground in under a minute. Was a little crazy.

Another dam MOOSE...

Yes that is a ship in the harbour

My mom would have hated the glass floor - all you see is little houses and trees below you!

North side of the cisy from a small peek hole

Airport to the left of the photo and one solo windmill to the right

Not much to report... so I thought I would let the photos do the talking!

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