Saturday, 4 February 2012

Horseshoe, snow and a whole lots of falling

Thanks mom for the awesome ski jacket and head band - it kept me nice and warm! Jacky is always with me:)

Horseshoe valley ski resort was our destination. Jambles and I were up at the crack of dawn and out of the house before sunrise to make our way to the one place we were sure we would find snow and I would finally be able to learn how to snow board.

I decided a lesson would be a good idea - and I'm very glad I signed up for that. Although our instructor was not the most useful person on earth - I learnt how to put my board on (great start), board ski (where one foot is in the board and the other slides the board in the direction you want to go - similar to skate boarding - but on a very slippery surface it caused many a fall for me) and how to get onto a snow lift. My problem with the snow lift was not getting onto it - but getting off - majority of the day was spent learning to get off the lift in a graceful and elegant manner. That, I can assure you I did not do - as I only managed to get off the lift 3 times the whole day without falling. Although I must admit - 3 of the falls were not my fault and I accidentally rode over one of my new found friends who fell straight off the lift (think cartoon when the two people run into each other and their legs keep running in the direction they were headed).
After an hour - our instructor left us half way up a hill, where I nearly made very good friends with a nearby oak (and not the human slang kind)

I spent majority of my day on the bunny slope (the very little red line on the far right of the above picture - also referred to as "Low Rider" and I'm still trying to figure out if that means its for children only) which is smaller than a green run by far and looked like a war zone with bodies sprawled all the way down the slight slant (mostly kids under the age of 5 who made me look like an incompetent giant falling down and around their play pen - embarrassing to say the least) . But it felt safe and every fall felt soft in comparison to the wipe outs I felt on the green slopes later in the day.
Early morning - Jambles and I hitting the slopes

It was a beautiful day out  on the slopes. Jambles called my squatting down the green slopes the Mexican shuffle - thanks Jambles. I have never had such a thigh work out - but was happy for it. Luckily I had my fellow South African counter part there to make fun of me on the slopes. 

Warm and Dry
For you Dax - you asked for a picture to see my face ;) Hehe...  
After a bail  - landed on my ass again - not so dry anymore.
Ooooh its not quite wake boarding, in fact as I discovered today - its far from. I spent more time face in the snow with snow down my jacket and snow trousers (I know I also thought it would keep out the snow).
I ate snow a lot during the day - literally. I have never fallen over so many times in one day. Most of the big bails say my shirt (which was underneath my ski jacket) with ice and snow. I started judging my falls by the amount of ice I could get into places which should not feel cold and how sore my muscles got that I didn't even know existed.
By the end of the day I had wet gloves, a wet top, wet tights, wet everything! But it was completely worth it!
Tired but happy and ready for home

Luckily I can laugh at myself and was easily entertained but my lack of ability to stay on my feet - and if you're ever in the mood to learn how to snow board - I suggest you bring your sense of humour with you - its not for sissies! Bring on Ellicottville Ski weekend away lined up for next weekend - I'm ready!

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